Sunday, February 17, 2008

New PUPPY!!!

I got a new puppy on Friday! She’s an English Bulldog. I think her name will be Lola, but I’m not positive. We also considered Roxy, Miss Piggy, Lilly, and Jolie. So in the meantime we call her Puppy. She is very cute, but she’s a lot of work. We’re trying to train her to go to the bathroom outside. So far, we’ve only had a few accidents. Sometimes she is a very bad puppy, but for the most part she plays, sleeps, cuddles, eats, pees, poops, and stinks! We’re working on those last three things! Hopefully they won’t last too long…


Alisa Ann said...

She is adorable! I love the picture of her laying half-in and half-out of her bed. If you are taking votes, I like the name Lola the best. She kind of looks like a Lola. Good luck with the training.

Julie said...

How cute is she. I would love to get another puppy but I have to control myself and remember that they grow up. Enjoy her for me, minus the good old potty training thing. I am potty training Porter right now, I wonder which would be easier? She almost looks fake she is so adorable!

Amber said...

I can't wait to see her in real life! She is super cute....and I think I like Lola the best as well. Mike and I will have to come down sometime to see her.

Gina and Jon said...

Totally cute.. and I don't like animals but this dog is cute. Can I vote for Lola also!

Kristen said...

I have to agree with the rest that Lola is my favorite. She looks like fun. Chelsea is ready to adopt her if you ever change your mind. (Although I already have something that eats, poops, pees and stinks with abandon -- Bryce!) Good luck with the potty training thing!

Kristen Lee Briggs said...

DUMB! DUMB! DUMB! DUMB! DUMB!! I want it! You should name her Lola or Roxy or CoCo Chanel like my dog! I won't care if you use the same name! Where are the dog clothes! I can't wait to see your pictures later when she has clothes on! I love her already and I love you!!

DMom said...

They say that dogs look like their owner. If that is the case, you must be one lovable doll! I am too old for a pet - other than Kent - so I will have to enjoy her vicariously. Blog a lot.

Camari said...

What a cute little bundle of joy. Have you decided on a name yet? I too like Lola the best. I think it fits her. Just wait, it's gonna get so much more fun!!