Sunday, February 17, 2008

New PUPPY!!!

I got a new puppy on Friday! She’s an English Bulldog. I think her name will be Lola, but I’m not positive. We also considered Roxy, Miss Piggy, Lilly, and Jolie. So in the meantime we call her Puppy. She is very cute, but she’s a lot of work. We’re trying to train her to go to the bathroom outside. So far, we’ve only had a few accidents. Sometimes she is a very bad puppy, but for the most part she plays, sleeps, cuddles, eats, pees, poops, and stinks! We’re working on those last three things! Hopefully they won’t last too long…

Friday, February 8, 2008

Mammoth Snowboarding Trip

TJ and I went to California to go snowboarding with my parents and our friends, Mike and Cheryl. We were fortunate enough to stay in Mike’s gorgeous condo. Very nice, Mikey! Thanks! The snow was perfect, despite some wind. It was an awesome trip!

Lunch at the lodge. Who is that crazy person in the background?

Mike and Cheryl

Cheryl and Dad

Ppsst! Who is she talking to?

On the first day, my mom fell and hurt herself snowboarding. Notice how she cradles her Diet Pepsi for comfort.

Working on vacation. What dedication! (or addiction?)

This is Dallas the Dog. Here, she is hoping that someone will have pitty and give her a treat! She's very good at this. If you ignore her long enough, she will rest her head on your knee and use the sad puppy dog look until you just have to give in!

Dinner at the Charthouse

At the ski shop... so many decisions!